Assessment Quality of Instant Vegetables Soup Fortified with Artichoke Powder

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Agric., Al-Azhar Univ.

2 National organization for Drug Control and Research


This study aimed to maximize the benefit from one of plants which is not optimally utilized although it's many health benefits, artichoke, by fortified one of easy product. Therefore, artichoke powder (AP) was prepared and added to instant vegetables soup at different levels (10, 20 and 30g) and sensory, physical, chemical chractrestics, minerals, antioxidants and amino acides content were determined in all treatments. The results of chemical composition showed an increase in values of the important nutrients, when compared control sample with sample included the highest level of addition (30g), protein, fat, fiber and ash were increased from (12.55, 1.55, 4.81 and 4.03) to (13.90, 1.92, 9.04 and 4.80%) respectively. Also, Ca, Mg, P, Cu and Zn were increased from (180, 210.20, 136.60, 0.16 and 0.89) to (237.08, 212.54, 191.22, 0.39 and 1.52 mg/100g) respectively. Likewise, total phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids were increased from (136.73, 27.45 and 12.86) to (621.54, 124.29 and 56.51 mg/100g) and consequently scavenging activity was increased from 8.53 to 23.95% respectively. Also and markedly, levels of all studied essential amino acids, Cystin and Glycine were increased. With regard to physical properties, values of pH, Rehydration ratio, Total soluble solids and viscosity were increased while the three indicators of color were decreased. As well, the results appeared that sample with 30g of AP have highest score of most tested organoleptic parameters. And so, it can be concluded that additoin of artichoke powder caused a noticeable amelioration in sensory, physical characteristics and all nutritional parameters of instant vegetables soup.


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