Productive performance of buffalo calves fed rations supplemented with folic acid

Document Type : Original Article


1 قسم الانتاج الحيواني - کلية الزراعة بالقاهرة - جامعة الأزهر

2 Alazher Univercity- faculaty of agriculture

3 Al-Azhar university – Faculty of agriculture – Animal Production Depart,emt

4 city of scientific research and tecnological applications alexandria


To investigate the impact of folic acid (FA) supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestion in growing male buffalo calves, fifteen buffalo calves were randomly separated into three groups (five animals/group). The average initial live body weight of the buffalo calves was 181 ± 0.2 kg. Three nutritional groups of calves were randomly assigned to receive one of the three experimental rations; the control group (T1) was fed the basal diet; the second group (T2) was fed the control ration plus 50 mg of folic acid per head per day, and the third group (T3) was fed the control ration plus 75 mg of folic acid per head per day. Daily gain recorded by T2 was (0.77 kg/h/d) somewhat higher than T1 (0.75 kg/h/d) followed by T3 (0.85 kg/h/d). The daily gain of calves that received rations of folic acid 75 mg/h/day was slightly higher than that of calves that received rations without folic acid supplementation (control group). The total dry matter intake and feed conversion were not significantly affected by folic acid administration. The digestibility coefficients for DM, OM, CP and CF of T3 were significantly greater than those of T1 (control group), but there was no statistically significant difference between T1 and T2 or T2 and T3. Third treatment record highest value for protein digestibility coefficients, while, first treatment record lowest value, differences were statistically non-significant. The supplementation of FA to buffalo calves' ration significantly improved the amount of total digestible nutrients and digestible crude protein.


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