Future prospects for the impact of the most important factors and variables on the nutritional gap of red meat in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Economic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo


The animal production sector in Egypt is one of the productive sectors, and contributes 37% of agricultural production, in addition to its important role in achieving food security. The problem of research is the face of the red meat production sector in Egypt was many factors that affected on the limitations of this production. The research aims to study and analyze the future prospects of the most important factors affecting the food gap of red meat in Egypt. With the aim of working on developing appropriate policies and mechanisms to confront the negative effects of these challenges and difficulties, which contributes to reducing the size of the food gap of red meat in Egypt. The research found that there are significant and overlapping effects of the most important factors affecting the nutritional gap of red meat in Egypt and the presence of a positive effect of the increase in the production of feed of various kinds on reducing this gap, and a negative impact of cash income due to the increase in demand for meat, and a positive effect of inflation as a result of a decrease in demand for meat, And a significant positive impact in both the volume of investments and loans directed to animal production activities and a limited positive impact on local production due to the poor productivity of local breeds of red meat in Egypt.


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