The impact of using some agricultural Technologies on the productive and economic efficiency for some crops in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Economic Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo


The agricultural sector is one of the components of the Egyptian economy. however the agricultural production value reached about 543.4 billion pounds During (2018- 2020), It absorbs about 26% of the Egyptian workforce. The research problem determined that the Egyptian agricultural sector faced some challenges with food production, Egypt became dependent on imports to meet the need for food, in addition to the limited resources, The research aims to study the impact of using some modern agricultural techniques on the efficiency of some crops production. The results indicate There is a significant effect of the farmer's income level, experience years, and capacity, on wheat production. At the same time, was proven that there was a significant effect of the farmer education, income level, and the experience, on rice production. By studying the impact of using technologies on productivity and production costs of sample crops, the research found that there was an increase in productivity for all levels of using technical packages for sample crops. Although the production costs of using technical packages was increased, but the net yield of the sample crops was also increased. By measuring the effect of using technologies on wheat production, through using dummy variables, the results showed that is wheat increase about 8.4 ardebs/ feddan, and and the rice increasing about 1.2 tons / feddan. While potato increased about 4.9 tons / feddan.


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