Does starter medium improve epigeic earth worms growth and vermicompost qualities?

Document Type : Original Article


Al- azhar university


Vermicomposting is a composting technique that utilizes humus-feeding epigeic earthworms to break down complex organic material into manure with added value (vermicompost), which is rich in beneficial microorganisms and contains nutrients that are accessible to plants. The present study aimed to determine the manure quality of different vermicompost produced from 100% horse dung (T1), 75% horse dung + 25% compost (T2), 50% horse dung + 50% compost (T3), 75% horse dung + 25% mushroom compost (T4), and 50% horse dung + 50% mushroom (T5) using earthworms. The obtained results revealed that T5 vermicompost showed higher physio-chemical traits as it gave the highest organic carbon, organic matter, and ash content with the lowest C/N ratio. A stimulation in the nutrients level has been shown in the T5 vermicompost with stimulation in the growth regulators of gibberellin, indoleacetic acid, cytokinin, and abscisic acid. Microbial populations were much more abundant in all vermicompost samples produced with a significant peak in T5 compost. The maximum earthworm’ number 2041.7 and weight 2448.3 g of earthworms were noticed by T5 compost. In conclusion, using 50% horse dung and 50% mushroom as raw materials for vermitechnology produced vermicompost with high-quality characteristics.
