The activity of beekeeping is one of the areas that can contribute significantly to the movement of economic and social development, through its contribution of food and medical products, as well as creating job opportunities. The value of honey production amounted to about 217 million pounds, representing about 0.11 % of the total value of animal production, and it represented about 4.20% of the value of agricultural production in 2019. The research aimed to study the current situation of honeybee apiaries, estimate the productive and economic efficiency and financial feasibility of honey production apiaries and identify the most important problems facing honey producers in Sohag Governorate. By studying the production functions of the total research sample, it was found that there is a direct relationship between the quantity of production and each of the number of cells and the number of years of experience, and the coefficient of determination (R2) reached about 0.98, which indicates that about 98% of the changes in production are explained by the elements of the number of cells and years of experience. The model was statistically significant at the level of significance (0,01), and the total elasticity of the function was about (1,32), which means the dominance of the relationship of increasing return on production capacity. By studying the feasibility of the bee honey production projects for the total sample, it was found that the internal rate of return amounted to about 23.51%, and the payback period amounted to about 4.25 years. This is because the opportunity expense is less than the value of the internal rate of return for each.
Abd EL- Moneim, A. A. (2022). An economic analysis of honeybee farms in Sohag governorate. Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 286-298. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2022.277865
A. A. Abd EL- Moneim. "An economic analysis of honeybee farms in Sohag governorate", Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 47, 2, 2022, 286-298. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2022.277865
Abd EL- Moneim, A. A. (2022). 'An economic analysis of honeybee farms in Sohag governorate', Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), pp. 286-298. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2022.277865
Abd EL- Moneim, A. A. An economic analysis of honeybee farms in Sohag governorate. Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 2022; 47(2): 286-298. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2022.277865