Document Type : Original Article
Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Institute, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt.
The current research attempts to survey the implications of interweaving macro and micro-morphological characters, and chemical constituents of six taxa belonging to family Verbenaceae namely; Duranta erecta, Gmelina arborea, Lantana montevidensis, Tectona grandis, Verbena hybrid and Vitex trifolia grown in different areas in Egypt, and to come up with valuable taxonomic differentiation among these taxa. Leave shape, apex, base, and venation were included in the macro-morphological investigation, while leaf epidermal cells, stomata, and trichomes were included in the micro-morphological study. The characteristics of the studied taxa were: herbs as Verbena hybrid, shrubs as Duranta erecta, Lantana montevidensis and Vitex trifolia and trees as Gmelina arborea and Tectona grandis. Stem solid, erect in all taxa except in Verbena hyprid it was prostrate. Leaves were simple in all taxa except the leaves of Vitex trifolia, it was compound. Hairs were unicellular or multicellular, branched or unbranched and glandular or non-glandular. The stomatal types in the studied taxa were diacytic, anisocytic and anomocytic. The main chemical constituents were alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, phytosterols and terpenes were found in all taxa except Vitex trifolia.
Main Subjects