The research aimed to determine the respondents' knowledge degree about the inflation reasons, the inflation impact on the following social aspects: negativity and indifference, unemployment, poverty, nutritional and consumption behavior, internal, external relations, determine the relationship between the studied independent variables for the respondents and the studied social effects, and the respondents' suggestions to overcome inflation. The research was conducted on a sample of 380 respondents from three villages randomly selected from Ashmoun district,, Data was collected using a questionnaire , during December 2023 to January 2024, and it was tabulated and statistically analyzed using numerical tables, frequencies, percentages, weighted average, and simple correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: - The percentages of respondents' knowledge of the inflation reasons ranged between 72.4% as a minimum and 92.1% as a maximum. - More than two-thirds of the respondents (68.6%) fall into the category of high level of knowledge about the inflation reasons in general. - The high percentage of respondents in the category of high level for each of the following social effects: negativity and indifference, unemployment, poverty, nutritional and consumption behavior, internal and external relations between family members in light of the occurrence of inflation. - There was a significant relationship between some of the studied personal variables for the respondents and the occurrence degree of the social effects resulting from the occurrence of inflation. - The most important suggestions of the respondents to overcome inflation: increasing workers' wages and following financial and monetary policies aimed at reducing inflation.
Alhalwany, H. (2024). الأثار الإجتماعية للتضخم على الأسرة الريفية دراسة ببعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية. Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 49(2), 229-246. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2024.316000.1376
Hamdy Alhalwany. "الأثار الإجتماعية للتضخم على الأسرة الريفية دراسة ببعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية", Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 49, 2, 2024, 229-246. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2024.316000.1376
Alhalwany, H. (2024). 'الأثار الإجتماعية للتضخم على الأسرة الريفية دراسة ببعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية', Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 49(2), pp. 229-246. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2024.316000.1376
Alhalwany, H. الأثار الإجتماعية للتضخم على الأسرة الريفية دراسة ببعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية. Al-Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research, 2024; 49(2): 229-246. doi: 10.21608/ajar.2024.316000.1376